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Wear the binder around the clock except when you are showering.
This means even to sleep in.
You may shower starting when you get home. Wash the area with soap and water then pat the tapes dry. Leave the tapes in place.
To decrease blood clots from forming in your legs perform leg exercises.
Flex and point your toes 1000x a day. �Step on the Gas�
Ambulate as much as possible. �Walk�
Bend and straighten your knees
No Heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks after surgery
Nothing heavier than a gallon of milk or telephone book
No Smoking for 6 weeks after surgery.
Avoid direct exposure to the sun and do not use heat of any kind (heat lamp, heating pad, sauna, hot tub, tanning booth, etc.) for 12 weeks after surgery.
Do not take aspirin, or aspirin containing products or ibuprofen for 2 weeks after surgery.
Stay well hydrated and make sure to eat foods that keep you regular as not to become constipated.
Take stool softener as directed
Maximize protein intake for healing.
Meat, Fish, Chicken, Eggs
Protein shakes, bars, or powders
Try walking upright over the first few days.
No back bends