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Breast Augmentation
You may shower after you remove the wrap. Leave tapes in place. Pat tapes dry after your shower.
Wear a soft cup or sports bra for 4 weeks after your surgery. You may re-wrap yourself in ace wrap if it is more comfortable until seen at your first post-operative visit.
No underwire bra until cleared by Dr. Tuma or his staff.
No heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks after surgery. You may resume normal activities in 1 week. Avoid vigorous activities for 2 weeks.
Do not place ice or heating pads on breasts.
You will be given instructions at you first post-operative visit on implant massage.
Tightness in the chest region and stiffness: Tingling, burning or intermittent shooting pain. These are normal experiences as the skin, tissues and sensory nerves heal. Pain medication and muscle relaxants will help you cope with any discomfort. If you have drains, you may experience additional localized discomfort.
Consistent sharp pain should be reported to our office immediately.
Shiny skin or any itchy feeling: Swelling can cause the breast�s skin to appear shiny. As the healing process advances, you may also find a mild to severe itchy feeling of the breasts. An antihistamine like Benadryl can help to alleviate severe, constant itchiness. If the skin becomes red and hot to the touch, contact our office immediately.
Asymmetry, the breasts look different, or heal differently: Breasts may look or feel quite different from one another in the days following surgery. This is normal; no two breasts in nature or following surgery are perfectly symmetrical.
- A high fever, (over 101�) severe nausea and vomiting, continued dizziness or incoherent behavior, such as hallucinations.
- Any pain that cannot be controlled by your pain medication.
- Bright red skin that is hot to the touch.
- Excessive bleeding or fluid seeping through the incisions.
- A severely misshapen breast or bruising that is localized to one breast or region of the chest.