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Post Operative Instructions
- Please call our office (609) 537-7000 to schedule follow up appointment and with any questions you may have.
- Please take all your medications as directed. Please do not take pain medications on an empty stomach as this may increase nausea. Take pain medications with crackers or a small meal.
- After your operation please start with small sips of clear liquids and advance your diet as tolerated. It is important to drink fluids so that you do not become dehydrated.
- Please do not apply any antibiotic ointments or any type of creams or salves onto your incisions without speaking to someone in our office.
- Please do not drive until you have consulted with our office.
- You are encouraged to walk but please do not perform strenuous activity such as weight lifting or aerobic activity until directed by our office.
- Keep incisions and drain sites clean and dry. You may shower daily with a mild soap and water. Do not bathe or get in hot tubs or pools. Please gently pat incisions dry (do not rub) and do not remove steri-strips.
- Call our office immediately (609) 537-7000 if you have a fever >101�F or higher, excessive pain, foul smelling discharge, redness, warmth or increased swelling of incisions or drain sites.
- Milk drains 3 times daily and record outputs on drain log provided. Please see drain instruction sheet for specifics.
- Maintain a high protein diet postoperatively, (protein bars and shakes).