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Post-Abdominal Wall/Hernia Reconstruction Exercises
These exercises are to begin after the surgical team has cleared you, usually after 6 weeks postoperatively.
If you have any questions please contact the surgical team.
Always remember to stay well hydrated and listen to your body, it will tell you if you are doing too much. It is ok to slowly push forward but remember no heavy lifting, pushing or pulling until cleared by the surgical team.
Exercise 1: Static Stomach Contraction
1. Sit on chair, back straight, feet flat on floor and good posture
2. Pull belly button in toward spine and hold for 5-10 seconds and then relax
3. Take a deep breath while holding the contraction of your stomach muscles
4. Always remember to breathe
5. Repeat exercise 10 times
Exercise 2: Sitting Alternating Knee Raise
1. Sit on chair, back straight, feet flat on floor and good posture
2. Pull belly button in toward spine
3. Lift alternating knees up one at a time and hold the top position for 3 seconds
4. Always remember to breathe
5. Repeat exercise 10 times
Exercise 3: Standing Stretches
1. Stand upright, feet at shoulder width, hands on hips
2. Bend at the waist holding for 3-5 seconds
3. Forward, then to the right, then to the left, then backward
4. Always remember to breathe
5. Repeat exercise 10 times
Exercise 4: Standing Twists
1. Stand upright, arms out, chest high, and bent at elbows
2. Pull belly button in toward spine feet shoulder width apart
3. Twist at waist toward right hold for 3 seconds, then toward left and hold for three seconds
4. Always remember to breathe
5. Repeat exercise 10 times
Exercise 5:Standing Reach
1. Stand upright, feet at shoulder width, hands on hips
2. Pull belly button in toward spine
3. Reach for the ceiling as high and as straight as possible
4. Always remember to breathe
5. Repeat exercise 10 times
During the performance of these stretching exercises if you feel any significant discomfort, stop immediately and contact the office.